As an international freediving ambassador, Miguel has devoted the last 10 years to actively promoting freediving throughout Spain and the rest of the world.

Being well aware of the benefits of freediving as a therapy which aids emotional control and induces relaxation, Miguel delivers lectures for managers, businesses and other groups with high stress loads.

These motivational talks highlight the importance of teamwork, planning, passion, motivation, change, facing one’s fears, insecurities and ego – all of which may arise when faced with highly -demanding mental challenges.

Charlas motivadores donde se da relevancia a la importancia del trabajo en equipo, la planificación, la pasión, la motivación, el cambio, afrontar los miedos, las inseguridades y el ego, que pueden surgir ante un reto con una alta demanda mental.


Miguel has also worked with professionals from diverse fields who are under a lot of pressure, using freediving techniques as a means of managing emotions and stress, and to improve mental and physical performance. Amongst others, Miguel has trained professional footballers from Real Madrid, international singers such as David Bisbal, extreme athletes like Red Bull kayaker Aniol Sarrasoles and TV presenters such as Pablo Motos.

Red Bull